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Protect what matters to you with our Cybersecurity Platforms

If you’re working with an outdated form of protection, whether it’s your antivirus solution or firewall, you run the risk of being exposed by any of the threats that linger beyond your network. Our data security solutions restrict unauthorized access, protect your personal data, and mitigate breaches before they ever have a chance to derail you.

Partnering with Valeo Netoworks offers you:

  • Virus and Malware Protection
  • Network Security
  • Vulnerability Testing
  • Penetration Testing
"Our healthcare practice has used Valeo Networks for over five years and have been more than pleased. They’re responsive in a timely manner and their techs are able to fix our issues without taking too much time. Highly recommend them without hesitation.”

Dr. Cindy W. Dr. & Partner, South Pasadena Optometric Group

Valeo networks is your trusted, local partner for all of your IT needs



Fill out the form below to get started. One of our team members will contact you to gather more information. We’ll then review your network, identify opportunities & vulnerabilities, and provide you with a customized IT Roadmap that provides the best services for your company.

Our Certifications